We all experience life difficulties at times in our lives. Some problems can be navigated through to the point of resolution, while others leave us feeling stuck, uncertain where to turn and fearful about whether we will ever climb out of the hole we are in. We can often feel quite overwhelmed during these times and can experience symptoms that we have not experienced previously, or not for a very long time.
There are also those of us who have found life to be immensely challenging for many years, and despite the effort to keep on functioning, our daily experience is one of deep suffering. |
Whether it is a recent problem, or long standing difficulty, the isolation that you are likely to be experiencing whilst you are in the throes of the problem is likely to be making the experience worse.
Whilst reaching out and getting support can sound like a scary thought, particularly for those who have worked hard at suffering in silence, the process of sharing the burden and speaking openly about your pain (with a trusted friend or therapist), can offer a huge amount of relief and is the first step towards healing.
No matter how big or small your difficulty, engaging in therapy could bring about much needed change in your life.
At InnerLife Counselling & Psychology, therapeutic counselling is offered to adults who present with a wide range of psychological difficulties and concerns. These include:
Whilst reaching out and getting support can sound like a scary thought, particularly for those who have worked hard at suffering in silence, the process of sharing the burden and speaking openly about your pain (with a trusted friend or therapist), can offer a huge amount of relief and is the first step towards healing.
No matter how big or small your difficulty, engaging in therapy could bring about much needed change in your life.
At InnerLife Counselling & Psychology, therapeutic counselling is offered to adults who present with a wide range of psychological difficulties and concerns. These include:
- Depression or low mood difficulties
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Life Stress
- Unresolved childhood difficulties
- Past Childhood Abuse
- Trauma
- Grief and Loss
- Self Esteem Development
- Relationship Issues including Family Conflict and unhelpful relationship patterns
- Communication Difficulties
- Anger Management
- Sexual Abuse
- Issues pertaining to life Direction and life Purpose
- Life Transition Issues
- Personal growth - Therapy is offered to those who may want to live more consciously in their lives, develop their self awareness and improve their relationship to parts of the self within.